Would you like to contribute to cmx499?

Just drop us a line and let's talk.

We Have a Voice

Less than a year ago I started an online magazine with some pretty strange rules based on how I purchase comic books. I figured if I had to write about comics for free, why not just do it myself and based on my own criteria?

And it grew.

In just a few months I had followers and people talking to me and creators submitting their works.

Turned out cmx499 had a voice people wanted to listen to.

So feel free to connect with us and we'll talk.

What We Do

We write about digital comics for free, on sale and normally priced at 99¢. We have interviews with creators and people with a special voice in the world of comic books. We write opinions about a number of subjects.

We try to avoid lists, movie news and just being another place for rss feeds about the latest news that everyone can find elsewhere.

We're not anti-movie news. We love comic book movies!

We're not anti-the-latest-news-about-big-stuff. We like to find out about that too.

But there's already a ton of it out there. We'll leave that to the guys who already do that well.

You can do this too. Contact us and we'll talk about it.

Add Your Voice to Ours

We are currently looking for collaborators to help us curate and post important news pieces, write reviews and opinions, conduct interviews, engage over social media and even work with our partners and friends.

Here's the one catch: We don't have money to pay you.


We don't believe in people working for free.  We just don't have the money.


We can't promise we ever will. Monetizing online magazines is far from a slam dunk. But we're sure as hell going to try. And when we do, we will be paying our contributors and collaborators.

In the meantime you can be a part of something new, something different and something special.

Let's talk about it!